JCR Finances
All JCR levy-payers have the right to examine the financial records of the JCR and ask the Treasurer any questions concerning the finances. You can email Will Hall directly from your DUO account, or submit any questions to snow.jcr@durham.ac.uk .
Claiming money back/Paying invoices
When submitting receipts or unpaid invoices make sure when you come into the JCR office whichever Exec or Non-Exec member in there gives you either a Sports and Societies Expense Income Form or a General Expense Form to fill in. You must then staple the receipt/invoice to the back the form and tick whichever box as to how you want to be repaid (cheque or BACS- bank transfer). If you would like to be repaid by cheque you will be contacted within a few days and you can then pick it up from the JCR office. If you’d prefer bank transfer please write down your sort code and account number in the details box. DOUBLE CHECK THEY’RE CORRECT. This takes around 5-7 days to go into your account depending on how many are to be processed.
When collecting subs, please bring in the money as soon as you have it as this prevents the club captains or treasurer being liable.
Please supply a full list of club/society members using the Subs Form.
Club and Society Finances
You must keep your club finances in the JCR account, do not open an account in the name of your society. The JCR, all clubs and therefore all finances and assets are property of Durham University.
Clubs should not accrue money over time, you should not make an overall profit or loss over the course of the year.
When accumulating funds to make a large purchase your expense may need approval. Please submit an Expenditure Request. Any saving up of money must be accounted for in accordance with Charity Law.
Referees Fees
Please take a receipt when paying for external referees at games. If they are unable to provide one, please fill in a Universal Receipt and gain a signature.
JCR governance
JCR Council is run at least once every term. All JCR members are able to attend Council to speak or present motions. Here you can find minutes of the most recent meetings and the nomination form for any JCR Committee position. Only motions previously presented will be available below, forthcoming motions will be discussed by the JCR Committee before being presented. Notice of any elections and upcoming meetings will be circulated by the Chair, Steven McLean
DSO Framework
As a Durham Student Organisation, the JCR adheres to the DSO framework which outlines the governing principles of the JCR. University members can log in to view it on the Durham University website.
JCR Standing Orders
JCR Policy Documents
Information Distribution and Platforms Policy
Setting up a Sports Team or Society
All new Sports Teams or Societies will need to be ratified by the JCR Committee in order to officially operate. Please complete this ratification form and send it to our Sports Officer (Faith Ajayi) or our Societies Officer, (Michael Williams-Hart).
Submitting a Motion
JCR Council is run at least once every term. All JCR members are able to attend Council to speak or present motions. Any motion submitted shall be reviewed by the JCR Committee and then you will be asked to present your motion to the JCR Council. Please forward onto the JCR Chair or JCR President.
Interested in becoming a JCR Officer?
Please contact the current holder of the position in the first instance and check the job description in the standing orders above. The JCR Chair will circulate notice of any positions coming up for election.
JCR branding
Please follow these guidelines in order to help us maintain consistency in the image of John Snow JCR. This page should be refereed to by all our Sports Captains, Society Presidents, JCR Officers and member of committees or promotional teams.
Colour Palate
The following specifics are prescribed by Durham University as guidelines. Colours are quoted using the Pantone Matching System. When ordering any promotional material or clothing please match as closely as possible. Where appropriate the pantone numbers can be quoted to external companies.
Durham University Purple: 255 C
John Snow College Blue: 2955 C
Text Black: Black C
The JCR does not have a motto or words. You may wish to use the college motto however. Avoid placing these words near the JCR logo. If in latin, the motto is ideally itialicised.
When promoting events, please reference if they are provided by John Snow JCR. JCR events should be advertised as such, do not refer to John Snow JCR as John Snow College.
Reference to John Snow College should only be made when events are organised in conjunction with the College and college staff such as in the case of college formals.
Please make sure to capitalise John Snow JCR as done so here.
Please also take consideration with apostrophe use when refering to freshers.
A fresher is a single first year student, freshers are multiple first year students. Something which is a fresher’s belongs to one first year student and something which is the freshers’belongs to multiple first year students e.g. Freshers’ Week.
When advertising the association between any JCR event or service and the JCR it is recommended to use a variation of the following: provided by John Snow JCR, provided free by John Snow JCR, provided to members of John Snow JCR, provided free for members of John Snow JCR.
Titles and headings are typed in serif font with an elongated J. For reference, this typeface is Baskerville.
Below are a series of versions of the John Snow College logo to be used on all communications such as posters and booklets. When ordering stash or kits, the logo used should be as close to those shown below as is possible. Do not adorn the logo with additional embellishments.