Our Officers make up the JCR Committee and are the elected students tasked with running various aspects of the JCR. You can get in touch with any of the JCR Officers using their email address in the University Directory.
JCR Committee 2024/2025
Executive Committee
Welcome to John Snow! A huge congratulations on getting a place at Durham, it's no small feat so you should all be so proud of your achievements. John Snow is such an amazing place. It's the best college in Durham in my opinion (I'm very biased) and I hope you will have so much fun during your time here and create so many great memories.
I'm Jasmine (she/her), your JCR President for 2024/25! You must be thinking 'What does JCR President even mean?' and you wouldn't be alone. You will get to know a lot of Durham jargon during your time here and one of the key ones is the JCR aka Junior Common Room. The JCR gives you a chance to get super involved in college life through sports, societies, outreach and so much more. Being President means that I help with the smooth running of the JCR as well as helping the JCR Committee, a group of dedicated students that handle different aspects of the JCR and you will get to know them over the next few pages- they're amazing. Overall, I want to ensure that you have the best time at Snow and have opportunities to grow and have fun.
More personally, I came to John Snow in 2021 feeling super nervous but excited to get involved. Three years later, in summer 2024, I graduated in Philosophy, Politics & Economics. I'm a huge F1 fan which led me to create John Snow F1 Society. I love a game of pool and I've held roles such as SU Rep and Entertainments Officer within the JCR Committee during my time here. We are here to help you in this new and exciting phase of your life which might seem long now but it will fly by in an instant. University life is more than just academia (though that is a big chunk of it) it's also about trying new sports or hobbies, meeting new people and so much more. The John Snow community is here to support you during your time here and acts as a home away from home. So go and try that new sport, sign up for that society you're interested in or even make your own! The possibilities are truly endless whilst you are at John Snow and if you think we're missing something then do come and let us know- we love trying new things!
I am based in the JCR office next to reception so if you need any help, advice or want to say hi, feel free to pop in. This exciting new chapter of your life starts here at John Snow and I hope you love it!
Hey, I'm Niamh your Vice-President for this year and a 3rd year Geographer.
My role basically involves helping out around the JCR and covering for people if they are ill/unavailable, organising the stash orders, planning all of the formals (the best bit!), and going to boring meetings so you can all have an amazing college experience!!
If you can't find me running around college then I will either be at MC or the Billy B actually doing my degree. In my free time I love to do as many sports as possible, think running, triathlon, rowing and many more or hanging out with my friends and going to Jimmy's. If you want to get involved with college life or just have any questions in general please feel free to come and speak to me, I don't bite I promise!!
Hi, I’m Steven and I’m a 4th year Modern Languages and Cultures (German) student and I will be your JCR chair for 2024-25!
My role is basically just to make sure everything runs smoothly in regards to JCR meetings, elections and formals. My job is to lead and minute JCR meetings, chairing College council, organising and overseeing elections for next year, and representing the JCR at formals.
Hello! I am Ellie your Senior Welfare Officer for this upcoming year!
My role is to provide welfare support, communicate with colleges and create campaigns and socials around welfare topics with my Assistant Welfare Officers! You will see me in college far too frequently, whether that be for drop ins, socials or simply because I bleed blue to an embarrassingly high amount…
As SWO, my role is to ensure everyone in college feels heard, safe and supported not only during freshers but throughout the whole year, so please do get in touch for any welfare related need you may have! Enjoy freshers and be safe!
Hi all, my name is Will and I'm your JCR Treasurer for the 2024/25 academic year.
Within this role I am responsible for the reporting and distribution of JCR finances, as well as overseeing the Finance Committee. Aside from this, I am also the president of the college ultimate frisbee team and so hope to see many of you at our taster sessions!
Non-Executive Committee
Hi, I'm Faith and I'm your Sports Officer for this year!
My role is basically being a caretaker for all the sports that we run. I book training slots, help get teams set up and work out all the funding for each sport. I also get the pleasure of hosting a formal with the lovely Societies Officer at the end of the year to celebrate the past year of college participation.
Hi everyone! I’m Michael (he/him), a fourth year Biosciences student, and I’m your societies officer!
This means I oversee the ever-expanding number of societies we have here at Snow. With over 30 societies there is often a society that matches your interests, but if not do not fret as you're allowed to try and create your own! I also help to organise events like the Freshers Fair (where you’ll be able to find out about each society) and the Societies formal. Feel free to message me on Instagram (@snow.societies) if you have any queries!
Hi, I’m Ella and I’m the Entertainments Officer for this year!
I'm in my third year at Durham studying Biology with Foundation. I am currently on Durham BioSoc exec and I am also this years Welfare Officer for Phoenix Cheer, Snow’s very own cheerleading team. As this year's Entertainments Officer, I have the exciting responsibility of organising many of the events held at college, from Freshers Week to Snow Day, and everything in between. These events offer fantastic opportunities to unwind, celebrate, and have fun with friends throughout the year.
Hi, I'm Eleanor (she/her) and I’m your Promotions and Communications Officer for this year!
I'm the one responsible for creating all the content you see across the JCR social media as well as the Fresher’s handbook, T-shirt and wristband! I'm the person behind @johnsnowjcr on Instagram so make sure you're following to keep updated. Feel free to drop me a message if you have any questions - I'll be more than happy to help.
Hey, I’m Amelia, as this years Outreach Officer, I’m responsible for all things volunteering and fundraising.
Alongside the Outreach Committee, I maintain our existing volunteering projects like the Seaham beach clean and Sherburn House visits, and create proposals to set up new outreach events. As well as society-based fundraising events, working with the Outreach Committee on charity formals, and planning big fundraisers for things like Movember, I’d also love to hear if there are any charities close to your heart that you’d like to raise money for!
Hi, I’m Daisie! As Developments Officer, my role is focused on primarily on careers.
Throughout the year I'll be sharing information, running careers events and drop-ins and building a network for our college community amongst other things. I'll also be maintaining our alumni network, and working with our other officers and agents to develop resources and help our students with all things developments, whether it be post-university or during your time at Durham.
Hi I’m Rhianna - your 2024/2025 Ball Chair.
Throughout the year, It is my responsibility alongside the Ball Committee to organise both the winter and summer ball to nights you will never forget! Balls are a memorable part of Durham University life, and are an opportunity for the whole college to get together and celebrate. Make sure to keep an eye on the John Snow Ball Instagram (@johnsnow_balls) for more information about our upcoming Winter Ball.