junior Common Room (JCR)
JCR stands for Junior Common Room, each college has its own JCR. The JCR is at the heart of the college and its role is to ensure that undergraduates are receiving the best student experience possible. Members of the JCR are able to attend events, play in sports teams, join or create societies and even run for leadership positions within college.Furthermore, the committee meet regularly to discuss issues within college, feeding back about their role and what we can do to improve and give our JCR students the best experiences possible.
Each college JCR differs but they ultimately all do the same jobs. The JCRs are run by students who are elected by their peers to run a specific aspect of college life such as balls, welfare, socials and gowned events (you’ll be able to see the different roles within the John Snow JCR- exec and non-exec by clicking here). We are self-governed and are in charge of our own finances and activities.
If you want to find out more about a specific officer, come and find them through out the year and during fresher’s week! Moreover, if you want to see the JCR do anything different, or there is something you would like (for example a new sports teams or societies that we don’t have already) speak to anyone on the JCR committee - we are here to make sure you have the best experience possible!
Joining societies is a great way to meet people with similar interests as you. Find out more here!