Welcome to John Snow’s Welfare Page
Here you will find all you need to know about Welfare campaigns and what the Welfare team is up to throughout the term.
Here at John Snow College, we have a dedicated team who are around to look after your welfare, whether that be walking you home after a night during fresher’s week, or even sitting with you for a tea and chat if you’re feeling home sick.
During Fresher’s Week, you will also meet the Welfare Representatives (WREPS) who will work alongside the welfare officers to ensure all events run smoothly and that you are looked after during a big and busy week!
Ellie is your Senior Welfare Officer and Sophie, Rosie and Maisie are your Assistant Welfare Officers - they are also students at Snow! They will have weekly office hours in College where they can listen to any worries, issues or questions you have throughout the year and talk about the best places to seek professional support and advice!
They will also be campaigning to promote a variety of welfare causes and raise awareness for causes relevant to all students in college!
Hello! I am Ellie your Senior Welfare Officer for this upcoming year! My role is to provide welfare support, communicate with colleges and create campaigns and socials around welfare topics with my Assistant Welfare Officers! You will see me in college far too frequently, whether that be for drop ins, socials or simply because I bleed blue to an embarrassingly high amount… As SWO, my role is to ensure everyone in college feels heard, safe and supported not only during freshers but throughout the whole year, so please do get in touch for any welfare related need you may have! Enjoy freshers and be safe!
As part of the welfare team, my role is looking after our college community. This includes: helping run schemes like college parenting; providing a listening ear to anyone who needs support during drop-in hours; and running welfare-themed events (e.g. Stress Less week and Dial-A-Doughnut - stay tuned!)
My role with the welfare team is being a point of contact to support all snow students not just in freshers week but throughout the whole year helping everyone be able to make the most of uni. We will run drop-ins and campaigns to help people be able to access the support they need.
My role as AWO involves ensuring the well-being of all those in John Snow College. This includes drop ins, campaigns, helping run things like the college parents system and much more! I will endeavour to provide a safe space for all in our community. So, if you’re having a bad day or the best day, I’m always here for you :)
Phoebe Goodrich, Emily Riddleston, Grace Smithen, Rachel Hobson,
Alex McCalmont, Lacey Mackenzie, Ebony Seed, Emma Brough,
Liv Baillie-Young, Megan Dunlop, Molly Brearley,
Joshua Cook, Nathan Higgins, Will Lonsdale