Formal Dinners are a key part of college life at John Snow and something we’re incredibly proud of. These are key networking events throughout the year and is a great excuse to let loose and enjoy the company of your fellow John Snow students.
Due to the evening being a formal event there are certain rules and etiquette which are to be adhered in order to keep with the formal traditions of these dinners. Formal Dining Rules are printed and displayed on all tables at dinner, these rules are enforced by the College & JCR and the JCR Chair is responsible for discipline at these dinners.
Dinner is served to the table and wine is available to purchase from the College Wine Sellers before the event. Second and third year formals also take place throughout the academic year.
Dress Code:
We invite you to wear either: the College tie with a shirt and lounge suit, or the College pin on the right lapel of your gown over your smart attire.
College students are welcome to choose whether they wish to purchase either the tie or the pin.
The pictures below highlight the differing dress codes for our Formal events; and the above information should be followed when dressing for the occasion.
Undergraduate Gowns or Academic Gowns should be worn at all times during formal dinners.